New 'The Road' Trailer Might Make You Cry (You Wuss)

It seems the Weinsteins still don’t know how to sell this film, but as we get nearer to “The Road”‘s November 25th release date, they seem to be getting closer to figuring it out.

Sort of. At the very least, this new trailer disposes of the misleading, fake and stupid disaster footage of this first look at the film and is leagues ahead of the latest one sheet that hit the web last week. On the plus side, the new trailer does contain a lot of new footage, including our first glimpse of Guy Pearce. On the minus side, for a film that our own editor-in-chief called “gut wrenching,” “hard to watch” and “dreary” (we should note, he also loved it) this latest glimpse contains a lot of heart stirring strings and touching father/son moments, once again toning down the overall grim nature of the picture, while playing up the film’s more emotional moments that our EIC noted were more intense than treacly.

We get it — it’s hard to sell a cheerless film about a father and son trying to survive a scorched Earth plagued by roving gangs of cannibals — but setting the film up as the studio has, they are just going to guarantee that word of mouth is going to be a lot of people frowning, saying “that wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.”

So watch the below with a grain of salt and then go see it for yourself on November 25th: