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Patrick Daughters Is The New Michel Gondry

Patrick Daughters is coming up and coming up fast. He's cut his teeth on some amazing videos (namely Feist's "Mushaboom" and her latest, "1234") so how long is it until he's directing Michel Gondry-like feature...
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Kurt Vonnegut: 1922 – 2007

Cultural satirist and novelist Kurt Vonnegut died today. He was 84. Vonnegut suffered brain injuries from a fall in his Manhattan apartment a few weeks ago and he had been hospitalized ever since. He meant ever...
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Fassbinder Begins At MOMA

The restored version of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 13-part (plus epilogue), 15 1/2 hour marathon, "Berlin Alexanderplatz," begins its North American premiere tonight at the Modern Museum of Art. Only New Yorker...
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The Darjeeling Limited Takes Shape

Rumors abound with the new Wes Anderson film, "The Darjeeling Limited," which wrapped principal photography recently. This much seems true: - The film is about 3 brothers (Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson and A...
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The Sopranos: Brimming With Portent!

The Sopranos last night was a portentous slow-burn with tons of exhausting what's-gonna-happen dread and Lynchian foreshadowing. As usual, the Sopranos producers have an incredibly cinematic way of using music ...
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Mid-Day Dailies

Out on DVD This Week:- The original swinging London, 1967 "Bedazzled," starring Peter Cook and sans Elizabeth Hurley- Robbed in the Foreign Oscar category and by robbed we mean, not even nominated, Pedro Almodo...